You Can’t Build Standing Still


You Can’t Build Standing Still

Action speaks louder than words. This we’ve all heard a million times over. So it’s no surprise when we see people who constantly speak on things without the involvement of some form of action keeping them in the same position year after year after year.
I don’t know about you, but that’s not my goal in life. I believe, as I think you do too, that building takes action.
You already know what needs to be done to tap into that higher level of success. So do it. Take yourself and your  businesses/brand, or family seriously.
You already know your why. So keep the momentum going. Putting your heart into something truly drives your passion and fuels your purpose.
No need to wait for handouts or approvals from others. You can’t build standing around waiting for something to happen.
Enjoy the process of the unknown, because guess what, when you make it, others will see you as a leader and want to follow your path.
Whatever you do in the 24 hours we all share in one day determines your tomorrow. Be productive. Be a builder of your future. Stop standing still…
Blessed day!
– LSherie
lsherie action
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May you be inspired to dream big and walk boldly in your purpose. 

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