“You have to be twice as good to have half of what they have…”
If you don’t recognize this quote, it’s a powerful moment of dialogue between Olivia Pope and Papa Pope on the hit television series, SCANDAL.
I heard this earlier today and it reminded me that no matter who we are, we have to manifest our greatness and expand above our potential to be more than good enough.
Getting outside of our comfort zone.
Defining who we are.
Pushing above and beyond… breaking glass ceilings.
Falling seven times, but standing eight.
Entrepreneurs/creators have to work twice as hard to be seen and even taken seriously. The road to success is crazy with twists and turns, but there’s no way we are going to quit now.
It’s a tough world out there. Building something new always comes with challenges, but…
Work hard and remember to think about what you’re thinking about. What does this mean?
If there is something inside of you that you are itching to birth, think about that thing over and over. So much so that it becomes a constant thought that doesn’t escape your daily thinking. Soon the words will flow from your mouth.
And that’s affirmation. You’ve finally accepted that you can make it happen. You believe in you and have the right mindset to work what you’ve been thinking into fruition.
Those goals and aspirations you have… not only do you work towards them, but keep them in the front of your mind daily. Think, Believe. Do it.
Blessings and prosperity,
May you be inspired to dream big and walk boldly in your purpose.
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