MORE THAN A DISNEY STAR TRINITEE STOKES If you ever get the chance to talk to her, your life will be challenged to be...
HOW TO HANDLE A NO GOOD VERY BAD DAY… I’m talking about those days that make you wish you called in from work. Those days...
AIN’T NOTHING AVERAGE ABOUT YOU You Were Created For Greater! Many times you just need that little reminder that you’re not average. Really! There’s absolutely...
Ever Wonder Why… YOU’RE SCARING PEOPLE OFF Ever wondered why people who used to hang around you don’t anymore? Ever wondered why you don’t...
YOU GOTTA HAVE THIS TO SUCCEED! Motivation and Discipline It’s plain ole human nature to want to succeed. Not just in business, but in everything....
DON’T LOSE YOUR NERVE Go For It Have you ever had an idea so grand that it was just almost unrealistic? ...
MISSING THAT SPARK… Here’s How To Get It Back! Are you burned out? Are you stressed? Feeling like you’re losing that spark? ...
THIS IS YOU Be The Captain Of Your Own Ship This is you. The person that wakes up daily with passion in...
WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? FACING FEAR We all have something and even someone that frightens us. As soon as you decide to...
YOU’RE MAKING A BIG MISTAKE I Can’t Watch You Do It! I can’t. I refuse to say nothing and allow you to make the...