The Weave Experience Keisha Gilchrist’s Dominating Hair Factor – LSherie Dean Determined to defy the odds and murder the competition, Keisha Gilchrist affectionately known as...
Stacey Alcorn: Building Up An Empire – LSherie Dean – I stumbled onto an article written by Stacey Alcorn on about building up...
JessicaSimien.Com Ladies and gentlemen, entertainment news, celebrity talk, fashion, music, events and so much more…be sure to support this amazing media blog and share with...
The Brand. The Voice. Elliot Carlyle. Believe it or not, I met Elliot Carlyle on Twitter. He was sharing my quote, “You don’t have to...
Who Do I Think I Am? LSherie Dean Listening to John Legend’s Who Do We Think We Are made me think… Who am I?...
Rekindling the Love of Music Leah DeVon Music is like a drug…a very good one. It pulls you in and intoxicates the core of your...
DAVID TUCCARO, JR. Survivor: Living for Today Tattoos cover his body leaving much for discussion, but first nation Mikisew Cree David Tuccaro, Jr. is...
Healing Between the Lines Chills. Imagine the chills of feeling vulnerable, helpless, worthless…nothing at all. Imagine the loneliness…the sorrow of not knowing when...
Aundreus D. Patterson The Renaissance Man of Soul Mississippi fed and bred, Aundreus D. Patterson walked the streets of Jackson, Mississippi with a chip...
NELSON MANDELA Remembering the Struggle…Remembering the Man…Keeping the Legacy As the world mourns the loss of one of history’s greatest legends, I remember....