You see there’s a big difference between Lions AND Sheep. I bet you already know the answer, but here’s my version. Let’s start with the...
“You have to be twice as good to have half of what they have…” If you don’t recognize this quote, it’s a powerful moment of...
TRANSFORMATION What If Things Don’t Work Out Oh but what if they do. There will always be days and moments in life in which circumstances...
PATIENCE NOT PERFECTION What Is Perfection If It Doesn’t Exist? If you’ve heard it once, you’ve probably have heard this a million more times...
YOU ARE NOT A TREE You Versus The Tree YOU! Yes, you are NOT a tree! What am I talking about? Trees can only...
Defying Your Naysayers DEFEAT THE ODDS You know the most hurtful thing is when people who you call friends, family or even mentors look down...
“Without dreams and vision… people perish.” We all have that one thing… or two that we can’t see ourselves not having. We want it so...
Erin Henderson Play Maker Free agent Erin Henderson is a NFL linebacker known for his tremendous efforts as past team member of the...