WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? FACING FEAR We all have something and even someone that frightens us. As soon as you decide to...
YOU’RE MAKING A BIG MISTAKE I Can’t Watch You Do It! I can’t. I refuse to say nothing and allow you to make the...
ENCOURAGEMENT We All Need It “You is SMART. You is KIND. You is IMPORTANT.” While grammatically incorrect, you get...
TIRED OF STARTING OVER? Stop Wasting Your Time Did you ever stop to think that maybe…just maybe if you made up your...
SPEAK UP! I CAN’T HEAR YOU! Let Your Voice Be Heard Everybody has a voice. And no I don’t necessarily mean a voice that must...
BEING SELFLESS Bone Marrow Donation… Saves Lives In August of 2014 I received a call from Be the Match – a bone marrow...
BIGGER THAN LIFE I know you’ve heard the saying over and over again, “bigger than life.” Not until recently did I fully grasp what...
BOOST YOUR BUSINESS WITH SOCIAL MEDIA Today I just want to share a few awesome tips to increase your business using social media. Now while...
Give Up or Die Trying… SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Serious question. What are you going to do? Your back is against...
Hansel & Gretel Can Keep The Bread Crumbs WHAT ARE YOU REACHING FOR? Every once in a while everything goes so well...