Simien Media Group, LLC


Ladies and gentlemen, entertainment news, celebrity talk, fashion, music, events and so much more…be sure to support this amazing media blog and share with everyone today! ENJOY! – LSherie

Established in March 2012, is a lifestyle and entertainment blog that has become your go-to source for breaking news, the latest in pop culture, celebrities, inspiration, fashion, beauty, sports, music and relationship talk. No matter what your interests are, there is something there for everyone! Because our site is updated daily, you can expect to read fresh content from our founder, Jessica Simien, as well as other talented contributors. In addition to news, we feature exclusive interviews, opinion pieces and occasionally host contests and giveaways. is a Simien Media Group, LLC website.







Jessica Simien

Albert Einstein once said, “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will get you everywhere.” Jessica Simien is a prime example of that. As a child, Jessica kept a notebook full of questions to ask friends and family, foreshadowing the day she would actually be in front of the camera interviewing someone. A native of Jackson, Mississippi by way of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jessica has always had a big imagination and even bigger dreams.
The blogger and entrepreneur is the voice behind her self-titled blog, Initially started as a hobby, has grown to become a source for entertainment news, the latest in pop culture, inspiration, fashion, beauty and relationship talk. is updated daily and features exclusive interviews, articles and opinion pieces by Jessica and other talented writers.
Jessica earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations and a minor in Speech Communications in 2010 from Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi. While at JSU, Jessica honed her abilities in writing, reporting and public relations. She was also actively involved on campus in student organizations such as the JSU Dance Ensemble, the Mentorship Tutorial Program and the JSU Chapter of the NAACP. She also served as a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mississippi and worked at 88.5 WJSU as an afternoon show host, Nissan North America, Inc. as a Corporate Communications Intern, The Clarion Ledger as an Obituary Writer, a freelance reporter for the Jackson Free Press and also as a freelance publicist. Jessica has also written for the celebrity blog The Jasmine Brand, among other websites.
After graduating from JSU, Jessica moved away from her hometown for the first time and it was then that her dreams began to form into realities. She enrolled at the University of Southern Mississippi as a graduate student and started working full-time with her own PR agency, J. Simien PR, Inc. Jessica enjoyed and loved PR, but her passion for writing was also in the forefront of her mind. Upon receiving her Masters Degree in Public Relations from USM in 2012, Jessica decided to go “all-in” with her blog and has not looked back.
With plans of working red carpet arrivals, reporting live from major events, writing for magazines and other websites, Jessica is laying the foundation for her empire. Never using her humble beginnings in Mississippi as an excuse to be mediocre, her favorite saying and personal mantra best captures her ambitious and determined spirit:



“I don’t wait for opportunities, I create them.”

– Jessica Simien




Personal blog –
Twitter – @jessicasimien
Instagram – @jessicasimien
Pinterest – @jessicasimien
Business – (678) 685-9775