My Almost Suicide Story


My Almost Suicide Story

Here’s my Almost Suicide Story…

It was 2004 and I had just transferred from Bradley University to Jackson State University. Of course I didn’t know many people and the culture of the university was very different from what I was used to . Nevertheless, I made friends or acquaintances with many students.

One guy I met in a biology class sat behind me like every class. He was kind weird to me, but hey I was probably too bubbly for him. He seemed nice, just something was always off with him. I remember he didn’t show up for class for like 3 weeks and everyone including the professor was concerned especially since there were rumors of his grandmother passing and a load of other personal tragedies happening all at once.

He was suppose to work on a group project with me and 3 others so I told everyone I would call to check on him. No answer.

I called a couple of days later. No answer.

Then one night like at 4 o’clock in the morning, I got a call. I just so happened to not turn my phone off that night. It was him.

He was crying so hard I could barely understand him. As I sat up in my bed I tried to calm him down to get a clearing understanding what he was saying.

“Sherie…I can’t take it anymore. I can’t live like this! God don’t care. I’m just going to die.”

Scared to death I jumped out my bed and woke up my parents. I’m sure I scared them too, but I was so upset. I didn’t know how to handle it. I turned into my daddy’s little girl and begged him to talk to the my classmate.

Daddy sat up and took the phone from me while my mom rubbed my back praying.

Daddy was able to calm him down and talk him out of doing something that he would not be able to take back and that would hurt those who love him.

I’m so glad, my classmate listened. Maybe that’s all he needed was somebody to listen. Years have passed and I recently saw him. He looked healthy and happy.

From that day on I never turned off my phone again. – LSherie




MTV | 5 Things To Know About Suicide On World Suicide Prevention Day 

Huffington Post | World Suicide Prevention Day 2014


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