Impressive, But Do You Impact?


Determining Your Why 

So as I sitting in church thinking about all the things I have to do this week (I know I should have been more focused on the praise… don’t judge me) and I just got carried away emotionally.
Do you just feel like you don’t have help?! Like every ounce of you is needed and you have so much to do and not enough time in the day?
That was me… until my pastor started preaching.
I’m not going to try to preach, I just want to share what inspired me in that sermon.
Many times we become overwhelmed with trying to impress people that we miss the opportunity to actually impact people.  Just think about it.
You know someone that name drops constantly, but you can never tell what it is that they actually do… or even know?  I’m sure you know someone like that.
We are too consumed with impressions that we aren’t impacting enough that when we move on others behind us will be able to carry on the teachings, mentoring, businesses and brands, etc.
Even on your job. You know the one you dread going to every day… or in whatever situation your’e going through… understand that you’re there for a reason and your impact is more important than your impression.
Impressions last for a moment, whereas IMPACT dwells for a lifetime. So ask yourself… “Am I doing all I can do on my job or for my business or my community to truly make an impact?”
OR “Am I just making an impression to get by for the moment?”
Blessed day!!!
– LSherie
This awesome lady shouted "Here comes The LSherie Alert" before we could get in the door! Made my day!!! I thank God for the purpose He's given me and the opportunity to impact so many people and this is just the beginning!!!

This awesome lady shouted “Here comes The LSherie Alert” before we could get in the door! Made my day!!! I thank God for the purpose He’s given me and the opportunity to impact so many people and this is just the beginning!!!

Welcome to iNSPIRE here on The LSherie Alert.
May you be inspired to dream big and walk boldly in your purpose. 

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