Bone Marrow Donation… Saves Lives
In August of 2014 I received a call from Be the Match – a bone marrow donation organization that basically looks for healthy potential donors for patients in need of transplants.
Well, I signed up for Be the Match back in the fall of 2001. Like a really long time ago. I never really thought that I would ever get a call – not sure why, just nothing that dramatic ever happens to me.
Clearly that changed. I went through several months of counseling and testing to make sure I was healthy mentally and physically to go through with the procedure.
There were a few others who was a match for the then little 5 year old (now 6) girl, but in the end, I was the only one left. In other words, after all the testing and everything I…ME… I was THE perfect match for this little angel to survive.
Do you have any idea what kind of weight that was on my shoulders? A LOT! I was freaking out a little, but at the same time I was praying asking God if this was what He wanted me to do, let everything work out.
And so it did.
My procedure was Wednesday, February 18, 2015… Ash Wednesday. After the nurses injected as much happy juice as they could, I was out and a couple hours later I woke up in my own cozy hospital room.
I woke up crying. Not because I was hurting, which I was, but because I knew that I was obedient to God’s Will and that by my act of kindness, or obedience, or love for another human being, my cells would extend the life of this little person who had yet to truly live.
Being selfless can be a major sacrifice. It can cause you pain for just a moment, but understand, that by you stepping forward and doing something for someone else is not just being a hero, but blessings will flow out of everywhere!
This experience made me realize how much I really do love people. Plus I’m sure if the shoe was on the other foot, I would be pleading for someone to help me…
So you can say this is somewhat of a shameless plug to get you and everyone you know involved. Sign up to become a bone marrow donor. You never know who’s life you could change forever.
My full testimony coming soon. I just thought I’d share a little with you today…
Blessings hearts!
May you be inspired to dream big and walk boldly in your purpose.
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