Leadership: The Mirror and the Window Test


The Mirror and the Window Test



Up late last night reading Good to Great by Jim Collins (You really need to read this book if you haven’t already) I did the mirror test asking myself the following:

What kind of leader am I?
Is my technique or understanding of leadership effective?
Have I failed in areas that could improve my leadership?
How can I reach my highest potential as a leader?
Yeah, I know… a lot of questions right? But to truly grasp the notion of progressing I have to look at myself in the mirror and be totally honest about what it is that I’m doing and my reasoning behind it. And so should you.
If I can’t answer these questions honestly and feel GREAT about the responses, then I have work to do…as since I’m always in the learning mode… I still have work to do.
So then I do the WINDOW test…
Do I give others their credit for their contributions to my leadership?
Now this is something I love doing. Showing appreciation for those who have helped me in anyway is a must! This practice alone continues to flow favor in my direction. So I could honestly say that I look out the “window” and identify all those who have supported me and helped thus far.
This is just a bit of what makes a GREAT LEADER.  You don’t have to be a leader of a Fortune 500 company, you could be the leader in your household, however,  I encourage you to try these questions on yourself and act according.
Many blessings!